5 Myths About Teacher Training

Do not let the name of the course scare you. Despite of what the name suggests, Teacher Training Course is not restricted to only those who aspire to be a yoga teacher. It is about the journey of learning regardless of our age, ethnicity or gender. As the founder of Ford Motor Company, Henry Ford says, “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”

In this article, I will be debunking 5 misconceptions surrounding Yoga Teacher Training with you.

#1:  I Am Not Ready 

“I’m worried that my practice is not good enough.”

Yoga works beyond just physical practice on the mat. What matters most is the desire to learn. Do you know that you have been incorporating yogic principles into your life even when you are not practicing any physical yoga postures? Subconsciously, you may have been incorporating breathing techniques and meditation in your day to day life. For instance, your daily yoga practice may be practicing patience on your commute to work!

Teacher training also offers great opportunity for you to learn how to properly modify poses to help heal yourself and others!

#2 – I Am Not Sure If I Want to Teach, It Is Probably Not Right For Me

“I just want to deepen my practice. Can I still take the training course?”

Teacher trainings are great for students of all levels with several benefits of becoming certified. Some students may get certified to begin their career as a yoga teacher, others want to deepen their personal practice.

Join a structured course and study amongst like-minded people. Have a deeper understanding of the benefits yoga has on the body and tailor your learning, questions and practice to get the most out of it.

Whether you decide to pursue the career as a yoga teacher, you have a yoga certification on hand should you change your mind.

#3 – I Have To Quit My Job

“I don’t have time for yoga training; I’d have to quit my job!”

Taking up a teacher training course does not mean that you have to quit your current source of income. We offer classes on weekends and after office hours to cater to the working adults, helping you incorporate yoga training into your current work schedule with ease.

You may find that staying at your current job allows you to take your time to plan your next career move. If you are unsure about being a yoga teacher, think of yoga as an addition to what you already have and use it to facilitate a career pivot rather than a drastic work change.

#4 – It Is Too Expensive

“I would love to take a yoga training but I can’t afford it.”

Yoga teacher training is a valuable investment for your life and personal development. We offer easy and flexible payment plans with the intention to make our 200-hour Teacher Training accessible to all students seeking to deepen their yoga practice and teach yoga regardless of their financial situation.

#5 – It Will Take Over My Life

Platinum Yoga Teacher Training Course is happening over the weekends and this means that there will be minimal disturbance in your work life – the perfect balance! You can look forward to our guided yoga practices after work on Friday from 6.30pm to 9.30pm and 8.30am to 6pm on the weekends.

What are you waiting for? Sign up below!

Still have questions? Email us at yoga@platinumyoga.com