to move Our lives have transitioned into this fast-paced never-ending constantly-moving routine. We wake up early in the morning, we fight to get onto the public transport and we get to work as soon as we reach office and before you know it, it’s already end of the day. Our bodies feel so stiff and no amount of stretching in our chairs will ease the pain we have in our back. We can’t be the only ones feeling that way right?
We go for a Yoga class and usually we pick a flow, detox or a hot class because these are the classes that make us break a sweat. Makes you feel like you’re really exercising. But that isn’t just the intention of Yoga. Yoga is supposed to calm your cluttered mind, relax your racing heart and pace your breathing. Yoga is supposed to make you feel good about yourself. Yoga is supposed to help you heal. As the practitioner, you’re supposed to listen to your body. And sometimes, your body is telling you to slow down.
And you know what is a slow class? Iyengar Yoga.
You may know Iyengar as a slow-paced traditional class that uses many props. But what exactly does Iyengar Yoga do for you?
In a fast-paced flow class, you concentrate on transitioning from pose to pose. But in Iyengar Yoga, you strive to control your mind to stay focused while you hold your pose for a few breaths. You practice patience too as you prepare your various props before you go into your asana. And once you’re in the pose, you hold it as the teacher starts to adjust the students. And that is the beauty of Iyengar Yoga – it requires utmost focus, patience and attention to detail. It challenges your body to slow down even if your mind wants to move fast and that’s something that we all need.
That is why we have – Asana the Iyengar Way! It’s a 6-week Iyengar Course that meets every Sunday at our Marine Parade studio. You will explore standing poses, forward bends, twists, backbends, inversions and restorative poses. Especially designed for a more holistic benefit!
[box] Date: 7 Jan, 14 Jan, 28 Jan, 4 Feb, 11 Feb, 25 FebTime: 2:30pm – 4pm
Price: (For 6 Sessions) Member – $150 / Non-Member – $300
(For single session) Member – $35 / Non-Member – $50[/box]
*Register before 31 Dec to receive 30% OFF. Applicable only to 6-session packages.
Register below and be on your way to feeling the best you’ve ever felt!
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