The new year calls for a new you. Your New Year resolution can be to get fitter, tone those muscles, travel more, exploring your capabilities or even spend more time with your family. Yes those are great, but self-care is just as important. How about placing “prioritising your breathing” as one of your resolutions?

It is said that once the breath starts to wander, the mind will become unsteady. Once the breath is still, your mind calms down. Breathing is such a natural part of our lives that we usually don’t pay as much attention to it. But once you understand and can apply the right breathing techniques, this can affect your thoughts and actions greatly. Think about it. If you’re happy, your breathing pattern stabilizes. If you’re stressed or angry, your breathing becomes irregular.

We’ve had Aerial meditation before which was great for relaxing your mind. Now we’re venturing into Himalayan Salt Meditation which not only relaxes you but also has the ability to help you heal inside and out.

Himalayan Salt is an all-natural and effective antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory mineral. It combats air pollution and allergens and infuses the air with negative ions. To put it simply, you know how the scent of the air changes and becomes fresher when there is a thunderstorm on the way? Exactly like that. That’s why Himalayan rock salt is a must-have energy tool when it comes to purifying, detoxifying and cleansing.

This Himalayan Salt meditation is beneficial for those with asthma, bronchitis, COPD, cystic fibrosis, eczema, emphysema, hay fever, interstitial lung, psoriasis, pulmonary fibrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, sarcoidosis and sinusitis. But we have only 7 slots available! So here are the details that you will need from us!

Date:           21 January 2018 (Sunday)
Location:    No. 1 Marine Parade Central, #03-09 Parkway Central. Singapore 449408
Class:         Meditation
Instructor:  Claudia
Time:          10am – 12noon
Price:          Member: $48 / Non-Member: $60  

Once you’re able to master the art of breathing, it not only reduces your rate of breathing but it will also improve your blood circulation and mental health. Which is great because 2018 is going to be your year of self-care and self-love and we should start it off right.