5 reasons you should do Yoga

The Yoga Craze is bigger than ever. People are heading down in hordes to their studios for a session before or after work. Do you know why? What about Yoga has these bunch entranced? Why is the exercise so popular? What does it help with? Read on to learn more!   1. Fantastic way to

A Chat With Sonal

This week, we have a chat with our Sonal! Read on to learn more about her inspirations and aspirations.    Favourite Snack: Healthy Nuts (Macademia) Favourite Movie: The Pursuit of Happyness   Favourite Pose: Scorpion Pose Favourite Hobby: Playing the guitar/ Playing the piano with her son   Q: How long have you been practicing

4 Unique Yogic Cleansing Methods

  We know by now that Yoga offers a holistic approach towards the body’s wellbeing. Beyond its mental and health benefits, Yoga offers some powerful au-naturel cleansing techniques that benefit the body inside out! Do you know about these?    Jal Neti Kriya  Familiar to all of you who have been on our retreats, Jal


WARRIOR SERIES! HUMBLE WARRIOR – BADDHA VIRABHADRASANA Why does it call humble? Notice the bowing aspect of this posture as you surrender yourself to the earth. That’s you being humble! Shoulder – You might not be able to reach your arms our straight but that’s completely fine! Stretch your shoulder one step at a time.