Miss interacting with your favorite yoga teacher?
Join our world-class yoga teachers right on your very own screen in the comfort of your house. Enjoy a variety of yoga classes with various intensity levels based on your own needs!
So get dressed in your yoga attire, grab a yoga mat, gather your loved ones and tune in for an hour of a feel-good yoga session.
Not a Platinum Yoga member? You can purchase our PY Live Class here
Yoga Workshop and Event
In this Agreement: 1. Fees 1.1 You are only entitled to attend the Event when you have paid the fees in full. 1.2 Non-refundable, Non-transferable. Incase the event is postponed by management due to any unforeseen circumstances, the amount will be credited to your Platinum yoga account to be used for future purchases. 2. Your Physical Condition and Safety 2.1 You understand, agree and undertake that: (i) participating in the agreed Event imposes various types/levels of physical and mental demands and Risk of Injury and you must disclose to us any Existing Condition that you are aware of.; (ii) Platinum Yoga representatives are not trained and qualified medical professionals and you shall not rely on any physical assessment by Platinum Yoga as professional medical advice, or to use such assessment by Platinum Yoga as the basis of any injury or health claim against Platinum Yoga arising from the Event; (iii) it is your ultimate responsibility to assess, and satisfy yourself, that you possess the fitness, skill and health levels adequate to safely undertake the Activities (including seeking professional medical assessment and advice yourself) and to use any Equipment; (iv) you shall not perform any Activity if, in so far as you are aware, you possess an Existing Condition that could be aggravated or that could increase your Risk of Injury by your participation in the Activity; 2.2 You agree that our Representatives may refuse or discontinue your participation in the Event or Activity if they consider that an Existing Condition may be detrimental to your health or safety. 3. Effectiveness and/or Results of Training 3.1 You acknowledge and agree that: (i) the effectiveness and/or results of the training provided in the Event cannot be guaranteed; (ii) individual results of training provided in the Event may vary depending on your own efforts and cooperation in and outside of the Event; and (iii) no representations, assurances or guarantees of any kind have been made or will be made to you by Platinum Yoga or any Representative concerning any specific results and/or outcomes of the Event. 4. Nutritional, Dietary or Pharmaceutical Products, Advice and/or Recommendations 4.1 You acknowledge and agree that, except for Trainers providing Nutrition training and/or consulting, our Trainers are not qualified to advise you on the suitability of any nutritional, dietary and/or pharmaceutical product (whether sold by Platinum Yoga or not) and you alone are responsible for the selection of any product you choose to use or ingest; 5. Assumption of Risk 5.1 You acknowledge and agree that you, being fully aware of the Risk of Injury, you still intend to participate in the Event on an entirely voluntary basis and agree to assume full responsibility for all Risk of Injury arising out of or in connection with the Event. 6. Waiver and Release of Liability 6.1 You waive and release all claims against us and all claims against each Protected Person, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, for any and all Loss you might incur arising out of or in connection with you participating in the Event; 6.2 We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful for us to do so. 6.3 We will not be liable to you for any indirect or consequential loss including loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption or loss of business opportunity. 7. Indemnity 7.1 You agree to indemnify us and each Protected Person and hold us and each Protected Person harmless against all Loss we or they may suffer or incur, whether in contract, tort, negligence or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with any breach by you of this Agreement or your participation in the Event. 8. Recording of Event & Data Collection 8.1 You agree the Event can be recorded and stored by us in order to: (i) assess and improve your training or practice; (ii) evaluate and improve the Event; and (ii) for security reasons. 8.2 All online Events provided by Platinum Yoga are strictly intended for your individual use only and you must not record the Event for public or commercial use. You must obtain Platinum’s prior consent if you wish to broadcast the recordings in a public forum or intend to use the recordings for a commercial purpose, and we may charge you a fee in respect of such use. It should not involve recordings of any other member or participants. 8.3 We will collect and store the personal data you provide for the Event including the information in your application registration form, attendance and payments records, fitness and health records, and other relevant information provided by you during or outside of the Event. This information is used for the purpose of managing you’re registration and payments, managing the provision of the Activities, our internal evaluation of the Event. 8.4 The persona data we collect from you shall be kept confidential and will only be shared by third parties involved in the provision of the Event (such as contractors who provide administrative, technology, payment and/or other support services). Our recording of Event and collection of data from you will comply with applicable data protection laws and regulations. 8.5 Providing personal data is optional but failure to provide the personal data requested we request may mean we are unable to process your application or fully personalise your training Activities. You may seek access to and request correction of any personal data we hold about you by contacting our Privacy Officer at marketing@platinumyoga.com 9. Intellectual Property Rights 9.1 All intellectual property used for the provision of the online Events belongs to Platinum Yoga (including copyright, choreography, trademarks, logos, concept, and branding rights). This includes the intellectual property contained in training materials provided to you outside of the Event such as videos or other training materials. You agree that any intellectual property that is newly created during the online Event shall fully belong to Platinum. 10. General Terms 10.1 If you are not yet 18 years old, your parent or guardian must co-sign this Agreement agreeing to be responsible for you until you turn 18 including responsibility for the payment of your Fees. 10.2 This Agreement is governed by the laws of Singapore. 10.3 This Agreement is personal to you. You may not transfer your rights and/or obligations under this Agreement to anyone else. 10.4 You agree that we may terminate this Agreement and your participation in the Event if you breach any Rules or if you engage in any behaviour that prevents us from properly delivering the Event. 10.5 This Agreement replaces and extinguishes all previous agreements between you and Platinum, whether written or oral, relating to the Event. Where you have an existing Member Agreement and/or other agreements with Platinum Yoga these agreements shall still operate and in the event of any inconsistency relating to the Event this Agreement shall prevail). 10.6 By signing this Agreement, you confirm that you have read, understood and agreed to all of its terms. 10.7 Studio rules and regulations, Membership terms and conditions and privacy policy apply. All photos and videos taken will be used for Platinum Yoga marketing purposes. Full payment is required to reserve a spot and payment made is non-refundable. In the event that the management cancels or postpones the workshop, your deposit will be credited into your PY system which can be used for Yoga courses, workshops or related classes subject to management approval. Platinum Yoga reserves the right at our sole discretion to reject a booking request, even after payment has made. In such event, full refund will be made to the customer.
Event Agreement
When we say
We mean:
Any activity undertaken by you during an Event including any yoga training activity
This agreement (including the Platinum Yoga online application and personal data form) between you and Platinum Yoga Pte. Ltd for the provision of activities by Platinum.
A person who has entered into a separate member agreement with Platinum Yoga and has been issued a virtual Platinum Yoga Card.
Agreed yoga training activities in the form of a workshop/training delivered to you by Platinum Yoga teachers or guest teachers, either in person or through an online platform.
Existing Condition
A physical, mental, fitness, health, illness or medical condition/disability/injury (including asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, heart conditions, pregnancy, the taking of medication, skin condition, or existing injury) that you possess and that could be aggravated or increase your Risk of Injury by participating in the Event or any Activity.
Any equipment used during the Event.
Any fees that you pay in respect of the Event
Liabilities, costs, expenses, damages and losses (including direct, indirect or consequential losses, loss of profit, loss of reputation and all interest, penalties and legal costs (calculated on a full indemnity basis) and all other professional or investigation costs and expenses).
Physical Activity
Any physical exercise or other physical activity whole participating in a Event including warm-up, strength training, running, agility drills, aerobic exercise, jumping, cardiovascular activities and flexibility training.
Protected Persons
Our directors, officers, Representatives, volunteers, sponsors, service providers and independent contractors.
Platinum Yoga Pte. Ltd and any other company in the Platinum Yoga and Its affiliated companies that provides you with services and/or products relating to this Agreement.
Platinum Yoga membership
Virtual Platinum Yoga Card/membership issued by Platinum Yoga (if applicable).
Related Agreements
Any agreements that you enter into with Platinum Yoga.
Our employees and agents (including Platinum Yoga Trainers but excluding other providers of services or products even if these are provided/supplied).
Risk of Injury
The risk of any type of injury (including minor injuries such as cuts, scrapes, muscle strains and torn ligaments and more serious injuries such as snapped ligaments, dislocated joints, broken bones, heart attack and concussion) disability (including permanent disability such as paralysis) and death.
The rules, regulations, guidelines and etiquette for taking part in all types of training services provided by Platinum Yoga (including the Event).
Our websites currently at www.platinumyoga.com
We, our and us
Platinum , Platinum Yoga , Vayu Infinite , and its Partners/ collaborators and Subsidiaries Companies
You or you
You as a party to this Agreement and participant
Interested in retreat, Act Now
By providing the details above, you consent on allowing Platinum Yoga to contact you for a follow up and marketing purposes overriding the DNC and PDPA Act. In house rules and regulations apply upon admission.
The short answer is YES. If you want to try yoga, at any age, weight, or for any reason, that desire to try is all that’s required! Can’t touch your toes? No problem, yoga will loosen you up. Weak upper body? Perfect, yoga will build your strength, progressively at your own pace. Don’t know your tadasana from your savasana? Don’t worry, at Platinum Yoga our beginner teachers will speak English and give you plenty of specific, expert instruction so you’ll never feel lost.
Our Platinum Yoga teachers are some of the most highly trained in the business, so relax and enjoy, you’ll be in good hands.
Starting yoga can be a daunting prospect. So many different styles, so many teachers - which one should I try, how often should I practise? Here are a few tips to help you get started:
- Do not eat 2-3 hours before your class and try to hydrate yourself by drinking plenty of water before class. Arrive 10 minutes earlier before the class starts - to register, change and settle down.
- For your first class, choose a level that is suitable for you and introduce yourself to the teacher before class begins. Let them know about any health concerns you might have and let them know this is your first class.
- Ask questions before and after class to better understand the practice. Yoga can teach us much, but we all have different questions, so ask yours. Try to create a relationship with your teachers so they can help you.
- Practise regularly to get the best results. Once a week will feel good, but three times a week will create real change fast. And don't go overboard - two classes a day, every day is too much, especially for beginners.
- Try a few (or all) the different styles of yoga we offer. Find the practice which you feel best suits your personality and personal objectives.
We care for our beginners and make their introduction to our studio smooth and simple.
Our Yoga Advisers take care of new students and explain all the procedures and operations related to our studio; as well as Studio guidelines and tips to make their experience more enjoyable.
At the beginning of each class, new students are identified by the teachers, who guide them and help them stay safe in their practice.
Our friendly staff is always available to answer any inquiries new students may have.
You can attend any class excluding the prenatal, aerial yoga, kids yoga and members reserved classes.
However if you feel like trying these class please talk to our friendly staff , they will guide you the procedure to attend those classes
By sharing your goal, history of practice and any injury with our yoga adviser. they will choose the best suitable class for you.
- You may bring along your face towel and water bottle. If you forget either, no problem! We have water and towels at the studio.
- Wear comfortable clothing which allows you to move around and also, for our teachers to see your alignment.
- A Big Smile and Positive attitude to learn something amazing .
- Yoga Mat , bath towels are provided at the studio. if you prefer to practice on your own mat or mat towel do feel free to bring or buy from our studio boutique.
Of course! Not only is practicing with friends more fun, but it can also strengthen your bond!
All members are encouraged to practice responsible booking. Second-time offenders will have their booking privilege suspended for a week while repeat offenders will be suspended for 2 weeks.
If you are unable to attend the class, kindly cancel your booking at least 2 hours in advance to allow others to practice.
1. You can immerse yourself in the total lifestyle.
A retreat offers a concentrated amount of time for you to focus on your practice. In running terms, if your weekly class is the training then the retreat is the big race – just don’t forget to pace yourself.
2. You’ll be able to deepen your relaxation.
Retreats take you away from real life, and the stressors that go with it. Even if you are a master meditator, there’s something about being away from the familiar that lets you release your constant mental list making. Give yourself permission to fully let go of all distractions and worries. You might find that by letting them go, problems often find a way of working themselves out or lose their strength over the course of your time away.
3. You’ll see a progression in your practice over a very short period of time.
Yoga is a journey and though we try not to put too much emphasis on achievement that doesn’t mean that your path is not a progression. Deepening your practice means different things to different people and can just as easily be about learning to sit still for your entire relaxation period as it could be about your first bakasana.
4. You can examine other areas of your life where improvements might be made.
Most retreats will include some ancillary benefits like expanding your eating horizons. Many of us get stuck in a food rut or routine, sticking to what we know. A retreat is a chance to push past those boundaries and get a bit adventurous with your appetite.
5. You can travel on your own without feeling self-conscious.
Sometimes you just really want to get away from it all and it’s not always easy to coordinate that with friends or partners. Yoga retreats are a safe environment to travel solo and you’ll find that even if you arrive alone you’ll leave with a load of new friends. Yogis are also quite sensitive to others’ needs so if what you’re craving is alone time, don’t be afraid to bring a book and tuck yourself into a quiet corner, you’ll not be offending anyone.
6. You’ll have the opportunity to connect with nature.
Most retreats or holiday venues are selected for their location. In fact I’m writing this from a sunny balcony with a full view of the Atlas Mountains outside of Marrakesh. For the last week everyone on the retreat has enquired about the daily routines of the turtle we found on the grounds day one. In a world of CNN and Sky, our breaking news is whether or not Tigmi turtle has managed to get fully around the pool before lunchtime.
7. You can step back and re-evaluate your life.
It’s hard to make decisions when you are immersed in a routine. Many of us go through entire days and weeks without straying far from our set activities: Monday, zumba, Tuesday, book club, etc. Taking a step outside that routine allows you a new perspective. Retreats are a great time to set goals as well as reflect on difficulties. After a few days away you might find that you have resolved some inner conflicts or challenges. You might find that solutions come to you for questions that had been lingering. It’s a great idea to take a journal with you and write down your thoughts and feelings on a daily basis to track this progress, and also to use as a gentle reminder when you return to your daily life.
Hear from our clients.
New To Platinum Yoga – Get Your Free Yoga Trial Pass Now!
Platinum Yoga Singapore Offers wide Variety of Yoga and Pilates Classes to make yoga accessible for everyone, Whether you are a Newbie or an experiences Yoga Practitioner. We offer Hot Yoga, Ashtanga, Vinyasa Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Gentle Yoga Stretch, Weight Loss Yoga, Aerial Yoga, Wheel Yoga, Rope Yoga and Many More to choose from. Book your Free Yoga Trial Now !
The short answer is YES. If you want to try yoga, at any age, weight, or for any reason, that desire to try is all that’s required! Can’t touch your toes? No problem, yoga will loosen you up. Weak upper body? Perfect, yoga will build your strength, progressively at your own pace. Don’t know your tadasana from your savasana? Don’t worry, at Platinum Yoga our beginner teachers will speak English and give you plenty of specific, expert instruction so you’ll never feel lost.
Our Platinum Yoga teachers are some of the most highly trained in the business, so relax and enjoy, you’ll be in good hands.
Starting yoga can be a daunting prospect. So many different styles, so many teachers - which one should I try, how often should I practise? Here are a few tips to help you get started:
- Do not eat 2-3 hours before your class and try to hydrate yourself by drinking plenty of water before class. Arrive 10 minutes earlier before the class starts - to register, change and settle down.
- For your first class, choose a level that is suitable for you and introduce yourself to the teacher before class begins. Let them know about any health concerns you might have and let them know this is your first class.
- Ask questions before and after class to better understand the practice. Yoga can teach us much, but we all have different questions, so ask yours. Try to create a relationship with your teachers so they can help you.
- Practise regularly to get the best results. Once a week will feel good, but three times a week will create real change fast. And don't go overboard - two classes a day, every day is too much, especially for beginners.
- Try a few (or all) the different styles of yoga we offer. Find the practice which you feel best suits your personality and personal objectives.
We care for our beginners and make their introduction to our studio smooth and simple.
Our Yoga Advisers take care of new students and explain all the procedures and operations related to our studio; as well as Studio guidelines and tips to make their experience more enjoyable.
At the beginning of each class, new students are identified by the teachers, who guide them and help them stay safe in their practice.
Our friendly staff is always available to answer any inquiries new students may have.
You can attend any class excluding the prenatal, aerial yoga, kids yoga and members reserved classes.
However if you feel like trying these class please talk to our friendly staff , they will guide you the procedure to attend those classes
By sharing your goal, history of practice and any injury with our yoga adviser. they will choose the best suitable class for you.
- You may bring along your face towel and water bottle. If you forget either, no problem! We have water and towels at the studio.
- Wear comfortable clothing which allows you to move around and also, for our teachers to see your alignment.
- A Big Smile and Positive attitude to learn something amazing .
- Yoga Mat , bath towels are provided at the studio. if you prefer to practice on your own mat or mat towel do feel free to bring or buy from our studio boutique.
Of course! Not only is practicing with friends more fun, but it can also strengthen your bond!
All members are encouraged to practice responsible booking. Second-time offenders will have their booking privilege suspended for a week while repeat offenders will be suspended for 2 weeks.
If you are unable to attend the class, kindly cancel your booking at least 2 hours in advance to allow others to practice.