We all know how planes, cars, trains, travel delays, small hotel rooms and a busy sightseeing schedule can interrupt your Yoga practice. Of course it’s easy to establish a routine when you’re home but when you travel, everything gets thrown off track – especially when you’re so excited to experience a foreign country, eat good food and sightsee!

You might be thinking, how do I fit my Yoga practice into my already-packed travel schedule? Take your practice on-the-go with you so here’s some tips from us on how to keep fit and stay on track.

1. Don’t make excuses.

Oh, a Yoga mat is too heavy or I’ll be moving around constantly. The beauty of Yoga is that you don’t need special equipment or a special place to practice. It can be done anywhere, at any time, in any city in the world, even in the aeroplane in the sky.

If the only time you have to practice is before you sleep, then why not do some Yin poses? It’s help you relax from a tiring day and helps you sleep better too!

2. Take it easy.

Even if you can’t practice for an hour, it’s totally okay. You’ll be lucky if you can practice for half an hour when you travel. You know your travel schedule best so you can decide on a more realistic time to commit to everyday.

The first few times will be challenging no doubt since you’ll be very excited to proceed with your activities. But once you settled into a travel routine, using that sequence on your other travels will help you remain grounded and focused.

3. Stop and breathe.

Planning a trip, going through customs and actually going through the travel process – can be very draining, mentally and physically. Many of us feel anxious and we never know when stressful moments can pop up.

The most important thing is to learn how to breathe. And yes, that is considered Yoga as well. When things don’t go as planned, practice Pranayama and take deep breaths. It helps you stay present, calm your mind and allows you to enjoy your travel even more.

And that is why we’re having a workshop specifically for Yoga while travelling! We want you to continually practice and stay focused, regardless of where you are in the world. Learn various sequences you can do anywhere, even in your plane seat. Time to reduce the cramps from sitting too long, waiting in transit and walking alot!

[box] Studio: Westgate

Date: 3 December 2017

Time: 11:30am – 1:30pm

Duration: 2 hours

Price: Early bird – $48 / Regular – $60[/box]